JavaScript vs Ruby On Rails: Who Wins?

A laptop on the group with a website built with ruby on rails and javascript

It’s common knowledge that STEM and web programming skills have been rising in popularity during the past 10 years. Needless to say, there’s no indication that this trend will change in 2019, or even in the following decade. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates continued growth for software engineers at 22% from 2012-2022.

With that in mind, there truly has never been a better time to start your coding career and learn popular programming languages. But where should you begin? Should you learn Ruby or Javascript? What is the best place to study Ruby and Javascript in San Diego? What are the main differences between these programming languages? Which programming language is popular and easy to learn?

Learn about ruby and javascript

As with all important decisions, it’s critical that you take the time to carefully weigh your options and inform yourself about the pros and cons of different coding and web frameworks. Read on to learn about the big differences between Javascript and Ruby on Rails, and how you can use these languages to pave the way to a lucrative career as a programmer.

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby is an open-source, object-oriented coding language that has been specially designed with a focus on portability, productivity, extensibility, and simplicity. Although it was largely developed on Linux, it functions across all platforms, including Windows, UNIX, Mac OS, DOS, and so on.

Its creator, Yukiro Matsumoto, first released it in 1995. He deliberately kept it open source, and therefore free to be modified according to the user’s specific needs. One of its greatest advantages is the fact that Ruby on Rails doesn’t take long to learn.

a laptop on a couch showing what ruby is used for

What is Ruby best used for?

Ruby on Rails is most often used to create complex and dynamic websites that change based on the user’s actions. It’s especially good when it comes to designing extensive background web applications. These are basically entire programs that are delivered to your computer or phone through your web browser.

Groupon, Airbnb, Hulu, Kickstarter, Soundcloud, and Slideshare are just some of the many popular websites that were built using Ruby. What renders this programming language so great is that it uses a standardized “blueprint” that can be quickly picked up even by inexperienced coders. Combined with its open source nature, this makes it ideal for young companies and startups.

Why Ruby on Rails is still the best choice?

Calling any programming language the best best programming language is a very subjective statement. Every coder has they’re go to programming language, but here at LEARN academy we believe Ruby on Rails is still one of the best choices you can make in terms of top programming languages you should learn. Ruby on Rails is versatile and constantly ranks as one of the top programming languages to learn for up and coming developers.

Is it worth learning Ruby on Rails in 2019?

We think it’s still worth learning Ruby on Rails in 2019 and beyond. Ruby on Rails is a battle tested framework that has been around for quite some time now. While it is not a new programming language, Ruby on Rails is fairly easy to use and can help you build full stack web applications with out much trouble. Ruby on Rails has very extensive documentation and hosts one of the most vibrant programming language communities. Organizations like San Diego Ruby provide ways for novice and veteran Ruby on Rails developers to come together. That being said, Ruby on Rails is definitely worth learning in 2019 and beyond.

Is Ruby on Rails in demand?

Ruby on Rails developers are constantly in demand, not just in San Diego but on a national level. According to Glassdoor, Ruby on Rails developers in San Diego make on average $89,519. This is 21% above the national average; however, when looking at 0-1 years of experience, the average is around $75,000. At LEARN academy we see most Jr. Developers with 0 experience make anywhere from $45,000 – $60,000 when starting their tech careers.

Icons showing Ruby and Java coding languages

Are Ruby and Java similar?

Not really. They’re both object-oriented programming languages that are also strongly-typed, but that is where Ruby and Java similarities end. Java is a compiled coding language, whereas Ruby is an interpreted scripting language.

Java is statically typed, while Ruby is dynamically typed and doesn’t use type declarations. Ruby is faster and simpler than Java, and also boasts greater popularity, higher developer salaries, and its learning curve is a lot less steep.

What is Javascript?

Javascript was designed by Brendan Eich back in 1995. It’s an object-oriented coding language that enables you to design dynamic HTML pages, complete with interactive effects within a website.

Animated graphics, photo slideshows, interactive forms, and auto-complete text suggestions are just some of the features that are done in Javascript.

Is it worth it to learn JavaScript?

JavaScript is also constantly rated as one of the top programming languages to learn. Being so popular is it still worth it to learn JavaScript? The short answer is absolutely yes. JavaScript allows you to add complex functionality and works together with most programming languages. Learning Javascript allows you to build Client and Server-Side Web Applications, Mobile and Desktop Applications, and all sorts of Web Games.

Java vs Javascript

Although their names sound similar, there are many vital differences between Java and Javascript. In short, Java is specially designed to allow developers to write their code once and utilize it on any OS without having to make additional changes. For the most part, this works without serious hiccups.

However, while some Java applets can run in a browser, their recurring security and compatibility issues have caused a wane in Java popularity. Today, it’s common for website visitors to have Javascript enabled, and Java applets disabled. The proliferation of mobile browsers has further added to its decline.

Is Ruby better than Java?

Ruby on Rails utilizes a full-stack web framework that is generally used in back-end development. In 2017, it boasted the largest average developer salary. Javascript, on the other hand, is a client-side scripting language that is especially useful at front-end development.

With the above in mind, it becomes clear that these two languages aren’t competing with each other at all. In fact, a developer in San Diego who has mastered both will have a distinct advantage over a developer who knows only one of them. Having a command of both front-end and back-end website development is a sure path to coding versatility.

Which is better to learn, Javascript or Ruby?

As noted above, there is no need to choose. Javascript is a highly expressive, practical language that can be used in both front-end and back-end development. Ruby on Rails is among the most popular and lucrative frameworks today, and it allows you to quickly design incredible apps.

When setting out on your coding journey, it’s best to learn both languages together in the beginning. Later, when you’ve gotten the hang of what these languages are all about, you can choose one of them to specialize in.

Or you can eventually master both. It’s up to you and your personal preferences, but picking one over the other isn’t necessary.

Does Ruby on Rails use JavaScript?

The question of whether Ruby on Rails uses JavaScript or if Ruby on Rails doesn’t use JavaScript gets asked around a lot. The important thing to keep in mind is that these two different languages are complements to eachother in web application development. If you are building a web app using Ruby on Rails, you end up using other scripting languages in your application development. For example you will insert JavaScript to allow interactivity on the front end of your website, plus you will use HTML and CSS for the structure and styling of your website.  If you are wondering how to use Ruby on Rails and JavaScript, StackOverflow provides a great Ruby on Rails tutorial for users who are new to code.

What else do you need?

An understanding of React will greatly aid a Javascript and/or Ruby on Rails developer in creating amazingly interactive web interfaces. There’s also Git, the industry standard tool for source code control, which allows you keep track of your progress, save your work, and undo mistakes.

The premier place to learn Javascript or Ruby in San Diego

Learn Academy is located just a few blocks from the San Diego Convention Center. We offer extensive coding bootcamps that are designed to jumpstart your Ruby on Rails or Javascript career regardless of whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced coder.

Our intensive 4-month coding bootcamp will not only equip you with a highly sought-after skillset, it will also provide you with real world working experience. We team up with first-rate tech companies to provide students with a month-long internship. This enables you to showcase your coding skills in front of leading industry experts and possibly land a job right after graduation.

Would you like to know more about us and our teaching methods? Why not schedule a free tour of our premises? Feel free to contact us today if you want to enlist in one of our bootcamps or you have additional questions. We can’t wait to hear from you.